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The walking path is CLOSED.

Dates and Times

The Community Walking Path is closed until further notice for construction. Thank you for your understanding.


Walking Program participants are to only use the Fort HealthCare Ambulatory entrance off McMillen Street during the designated times listed above.


Walking program participants are to park against the retaining wall that faces Sherman Avenue East/106. This allows patients ample parking near the entrance.

Walking path

The walking path is located on the 1st Floor of the hospital and is a stretch of hallway between the Pharmacy and Accounting/Admin Department. Once you enter the Ambulatory Entrance, take a right and walk through the automatic double doors. Once through the doors, turn to your left and you will see a table with information and the walking path is the hallway just beyond the table.  Please do not deviate from this path.


Participants will sign an expectations agreement during the first time using the walking program. This will include:

  • Participants are 18 years of age or older.
  • Participants will need to sign in and out of the logbook each time they use the walking path.
  • Strollers and non-service animals are not allowed on the walking path.
  • Please be conscientious and respectful of patients, visitors, staff and other walkers on the path.
  • Individual understands that they are using the walking path at their own risk and agree to hold FHC harmless for any injury to them.