We all enjoy meeting people every day and the fair is a fun place to get to know each other a little better. Fort HealthCare providers will be at the fair to discuss health related topics. There will be primary care provider and specialists as well as many of our diversely trained Therapy & Sport rehab staff. They would enjoy meeting you and talking about what they do and answer health related questions about the many services provided through Fort HealthCare clinics and programs.
Blood Pressure Checks (Commercial Building)
Wednesday-Saturday 10a-8p
Sunday 10a-6p
Railyard (Kid’s tent)
Wednesday 10a-8p
Thursday-Saturday 10a-12p, 2p-4p, 5:30p-7:30p
Sunday 10a-12p, 2p-4p
Providers on Kid’s Day (Wednesday at the Kid’s tent)
Heidi Jennrich & Dr. Lemon 10a-12:45p
Dr. Dewey 1p-3p
Laurie Runte 2p-6p
Our Health & Wellness staff will be sharing all kinds of health information that can help us all make healthy choices. Ask how we support healthy coalition initiatives throughout the communities we serve and call home. Learn about current trends in nutrition, recommended health screenings and just get to know us outside the doctor’s office. We also want to learn about what you do in the community.
People Who Know Us Love Us; You Should Get to Know Us Too