The fun has already begun!
- Silent Auction items are up on the Intranet for viewing now. The auction closes on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. sharp.
- Ambassadors should be distributing Pledge Forms now. The early bird deadline to be included in the first drawing is Friday, October 28, 2016. All Pledge Forms (even if you choose not to participate) are due by the end of the campaign (11/4/16).
- Packers/Denim Day will be held on Friday, October 28th. Participate with a $5.00 donation through HR. There is a downloadable payroll deduction form available on the Intranet news posting for this event.
- Inpatient Services will be hosting a $4.00 (cash only) Baked Potato Bar lunch (broccoli, cheddar cheese, bacon & sour cream) on Friday, October 28th from 11a-1p in the old Java Junction area on the Mezzanine in the hospital.
- Support Services/Information Desk/Partners are sponsoring a Bake Sale in Java Junction from 8a-12p on Monday, October 31st and a $1.00 per guess Candy Guess Game, located in the Support Services Dispatch Office, which comes to a close on November 3rd. Two winners will be selected on November 4th.
- ITWorks is hosting a Build Your Own Taco Bar with a free dessert included on Thursday, November 3rd from 10:30a-1:30p at Java Junction. For $5.00 (Quickbadge accepted at the hospital only), enjoy either 2 hard shell, 2 soft shell, 1 soft & 1 hard shell tacos or a taco salad.
- The OR/PACU/SPD departments are hosting a Quesadilla lunch event on Friday, November 4th from 11a-1:30p near Java Junction.
Keep checking the Fort HealthCare Intranet News for further updates!