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Blankets by Children for Children

Friday, June 3, 2016

The Luther Loyalty Team- Fundraising Committee was excited to donate blankets to the Fort Memorial Hospital Emergency Department. The fourth and fifth graders on the Fundraising Committee at Luther Elementary School have been working on service projects all year long.

ED Blanket Donation 007-web

Shown from left to right are Fort HealthCare Emergency Department staff Sarah Chesmore, Brenda Hecht, Amy Ross, Sarah Zellmer and the Luther Loyalty Team Fundraising Committee members Jacyn Stockton, Makenzie Guckenberger and Rose Uñate.  Not shown: Mandy Tamblyn and Melissa Kiesow – Fundraising Committee Supervisors.

The students developed their own goals to reach by the end of the school year. One of those goals was to help people in need. The students came up with the idea of creating blankets and donating them to Fort Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department. One of the Luther Loyalty Team students had experienced a visit to the emergency department first hand. The students decided they wanted to provide young children who come into the ER with a comfort item because going to the ER can be scary.

The LLT student members have been making these blankets for the last month. With the help of a volunteer, Rose Uñate, the students on the fundraising committee have pinned material, cut it to size, sewed, and tied the blankets. Committee representatives Jacyn Stockton and Makenzie Guckenberger along with committee supervisors Mandy Tamblyn and Melissa Kiesow delivered the cheerful and brightly colored blankets to the Fort Memorial Hospital Emergency Department staff this Thursday, June 2nd.

All the staff commented on what a difference it makes for young children to receive a cheerful and comforting blanket when they aren’t feeling so cheerful themselves. The kind hearts and generosity of the Luther Loyalty Team will make a big difference and spread cheer to young children when they need it most.