CSA Info Session Tuesday, February 7
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Eating healthy comes naturally when participating in local, community-supported agriculture (CSA). “The CSA concept began over 20 years ago and Wisconsin has grown to become the number one, per capita, CSA state in the country,” according to the Wholesome Harvest CSA website.
Participating in a CSA allows consumers to get as close as possible to the origins of their foods, short of raising it themselves. Joining a CSA means purchasing a weekly share of the crops that the farm produces throughout the growing season and receiving it at a choice of pick-up sites. One benefit is that participants can try a variety of foods; as the weather changes, so do the available crops.
On Tuesday, February 7 at noon, all are welcome to attend an informational session hosted by three local CSAs: Wholesome Harvest, Regenerative Roots and High Meadow Farm. Attendees should bring a lunch and can expect to learn more about options for purchase, pick-up locations and pricing to participate. Most CSAs limit the number of shares sold each year, so interested parties should plan to reserve space soon.
For more information, contact Margaret Martin, Fort HealthCare sustainability coordinator, at (920) 568-5154.