Fort HealthCare Announces New WALK WITH A DOC Program
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Fort HealthCare is hosting a free monthly Walk With a Doc (WWAD) walking program starting on Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Walkers will enjoy a refreshing and rejuvenating walk with different healthcare providers each month. The first walk will be led by Bret Hunt, MD of Fort HealthCare Emergency Physicians, who will provide support to the walkers and answer simple health questions during the walk. This is a free program and registration is not required. All ages are welcome.
Future walks will take place on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. A two-mile scenic walking route will begin at the Fort HealthCare Surgical Associates building near Bicentennial Park in Fort Atkinson, located at 212 Milwaukee Avenue West. You needn’t walk the entire two miles if you are not able to. Please dress for the weather and bring your smartphone, as you are encouraged to post to social media about your experience.
Dr. Hunt is board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Originally from central Illinois, he grew up on a small farm, the eldest of nine children. As a physician, he became interested in fitness and wellness after noticing that many patients were suffering from chronic diseases related to diet, physical inactivity, and other aspects of lifestyle habits.
Dr. Hunt brings enthusiasm to the WWAD program, “As an emergency medicine physician, I bear witness daily to the toll that disease takes on the members of our community. I see patients from all walks of life who are struggling with a variety of medical issues. I see the toll it takes on my patients – as well as on their loved ones – and on the community as a whole.”
He continues, “I struggle constantly with the knowledge that, in many cases, in my role as an Emergency Medicine physician, I am helping people with the ramifications of their disease long after it has already wreaked havoc in their life. I went into medicine to help people, and it has become increasingly evident to me that for the most part, the nation’s current medical system does a better job of treating the symptoms of our diseases than it does addressing the root causes of them. At Fort HealthCare, I am so pleased that the focus is on preventing chronic illnesses before they begin, or improving quality of life as much as possible. This program is only one of the ways we are working toward the goal of a having a healthier community.”
Dr. Hunt adds, “Study after study has shown the benefits of exercise for almost every disease under the sun. It has also been shown to decrease the chances of developing many different types of cancer. Walking is a great form of exercise which provides a myriad of health benefits. I really hope anyone who learns about this event will join me on Saturday.”
Announcements and updates about future walks will be announced via the Walk With a Doc website ( , the Fort HealthCare Walk With A Doc webpage ( , and the Fort HealthCare Walk With A Doc event on Facebook (follow Fort HealthCare at and on Instagram @fhc_forhealth).
According to the American Heart Association, walking has the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity. Walking is low impact; easier on the joints than running. It is safe – with a doctor’s okay – for people with orthopedic ailments, heart conditions, and those who are more than 20 percent overweight. In addition, research has shown that you could gain two hours of life for each hour of regular exercise.
Walking as little as 30 minutes a day can provide these benefits as well:
- Improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels
- Help maintain a healthy body weight and lower the risk of obesity
- Enhance mental well-being
- Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Walk With A Doc is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage healthy physical activity in people of all ages, and reverse the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in order to improve the health and well-being of the country.
Fort Atkinson joins a growing list of communities nationwide that have created local WWAD programs. WWAD was created by Dr. David Sabgir, a cardiologist who practices at Mount Carmel Health Systems in Columbus, OH and he has been walking every weekend since 2005. The expansion and support of the program is thanks to Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Special thanks to WP Beverages Pepsi Cola for donating Klarbrunn Sparkling Water for this event!
WWAD is just one way that we’re working to fulfill our Mission to improve the health and well-being of our communities with a Vision to be the healthiest community in Wisconsin. As the leading healthcare provider in the region, it is our goal to reach as many members of the community as possible with health and wellness messages, providing tools and resources to help individuals improve their health and quality of life, while collaborating with several partners to positively improve the population’s health overall on a long term basis. For more information, visit