Fort HealthCare now offering Happiest Baby on the Block class, based on the best-selling book
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fort HealthCare is committed to improving the health and well-being of our community. We encourage not only keeping yourself healthy, but improving the wellness of your entire family through this new class offering.
The Happiest Baby on the Block class is geared toward new parents and soon-to-be-parents, as well as experienced parents, friends or family members. “New parents have a number of new jobs when it comes to childcare which includes loving their baby, feeding them successfully and calming them when they cry,” said Jacquelyn Ward, class instructor. “The Happiest Baby vision is to teach parents simple, effective and fun step-by-step techniques to help quickly soothe their babies’ cries and help them sleep longer.” This class is based on the highly effective, new approach to babies pioneered by Dr. Harvey Karp in his best-selling book and DVD.
Hands on training, videos, handouts, lecture and discussion topics such as the missing “Fourth trimester,” the calming reflex and the “Five S’s” will be taught during this course. Parents will also learn about the idea of the colic, why it is upsetting to newborns to keep the house quiet, why babies get upset in the evening and why it is impossible to spoil young babies.
This class will be offered monthly by specially-trained and certified instructors, Jacquelyn Ward and Patricia Lupiezowiec. The cost is $55 per couple and includes a Happiest Baby on the Block DVD and Soothing Sounds CD. The next available session is Monday, October 24 from 6-8 p.m. at Fort Memorial Hospital. Registration and more information is available by visiting and selecting “From Birth and Beyond” or calling Fort HealthCare Health and Wellness at (920) 568-5244.