Fort HealthCare Receives Wisconsin Association of School Boards Business Honor Roll Recognition
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
The Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) Business Honor Roll recognizes outstanding local businesses that support their schools each year. The Palmyra-Eagle Area School District (PEASD) nominated Fort HealthCare for this recognition in 2018, in honor of the multiple ways Fort HealthCare has supported the district.
PEASD school board president, Scott Hoff, states, “The Palmyra-Eagle Area School District is extremely grateful to have a business partner like Fort HealthCare. Our board recognizes and is thankful that our partnership is much more than a contract on paper. Fort HealthCare has gone beyond our expectations with offerings they have provided, at no additional cost to the district, that have allowed our students to learn more about fitness, nutrition, and overall good health in fun and engaging ways. We are looking forward to continuing our partnership for many years to come.”
The PEASD summarizes Fort HealthCare’s commitment to their school on the WASB website:
“Fort HealthCare has recently become a valued business partner for our school district. The Pediatric Wellness Team from the local healthcare provider hosted a Health PEP Rally for both Eagle and Palmyra Elementary Schools. The program focused on three issues related to healthy choices: Play more, Eat right, and Push away the screen. The event shared those messages through age-appropriate fun and games.
The company also lent their Railyard Fitness System to both schools. This indoor obstacle course was utilized during physical education class and incorporated a whole workout disguised as fun.
Fort HealthCare additionally sponsored and staffed two free open gyms for public use to utilize the apparatus. The organization also supports the district in a financial sense by sponsoring our district newsletter, calendar and athletic programs. Palmyra-Eagle has also been fortunate to successfully contract our athletic trainer and district nurse with Fort HealthCare for multiple years.”
A complete list of 2018 WASB Business Honor Roll nominees and more information about the award can be found on the WASB website at
Fort HealthCare is committed to improving the health and well-being of our communities, with a vision to be the healthiest community in Wisconsin. As the leading healthcare provider in the region, it is our goal to reach as many members of the community as possible with health and wellness messages, providing tools and resources to help individuals improve their health and quality of life, while collaborating with several partners to positively improve the population’s health overall on a long term basis. For more information, visit
Members of Fort HealthCare’s school wellness team receives a Wisconsin Association of School Boards Business Honor Roll plaque at the October 9, 2018 Palmyra-Eagle Area School District Board meeting. Pictured (left to right): Lisa Jensen, RN, Fort HealthCare School Nurse Coordinator and PEASD School Nurse; Scott Hoff, PEASD School Board President; Stephanie Hayes, ATC, LAT, Fort HealthCare Athletic Trainer; Carl Selvick, Fort HealthCare Sr. Director of Clinical Services.