Fort HealthCare scholarship applications now available
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Applications for scholarship awards are now available to qualified area students pursuing careers in healthcare. Applications for six scholarship awards in the amount of $2000 each are currently available. Completed applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2013 to be considered.
Graduating high school seniors residing in the Fort HealthCare service area may apply for the Fort HealthCare Partners High School Scholarship awards. This is an academic scholarship for students enrolling in a baccalaureate program. Those involved in community volunteer work may apply for the Woody Finn Memorial Scholarship. Qualified applicants must have logged at least 50 hours of volunteer service in a recent 12-month period.
Students beyond high school, who have a certification or degree in the healthcare field and are enrolled in a course of study to advance their education to a higher level, may apply for the Partners Advancing Education Scholarship awards. Eligible candidates must reside or be employed in the Fort HealthCare service area.
All qualified applicants must be accepted at an accredited institution. The applications are available online at Applications are also available in high school guidance departments and technical colleges, or may be picked up at the hospital Volunteer Services department.
Fort HealthCare Partners awards $13,000 in health career scholarships annually, and provides funding for new equipment, new services and patient education at Fort HealthCare. Additionally the Partners organization provides volunteer services that supplement the basic functions of hospital staff by making a patient’s stay more pleasant.
Fort HealthCare Partners is a voluntary organization dedicated to promoting the interests of Fort HealthCare and its patients. Volunteers donate their time and energy to help others, enjoy opportunities to learn new skills, get a better understanding of the health field, and use some of their free time more productively.
Persons interested in more information about Partners scholarships or volunteering may call Kari Behling, volunteer services manager at (920) 568-5276. New volunteers are always welcome.