Heart Failure Clinic becomes Heart Failure Follow-up Program
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Fort HealthCare is pleased to announce that the current Heart Failure clinic is changing its name to Heart Failure Follow-up Program, to better reflect the services offered and patients served. The program began in 2003 and is open to any patient with a diagnosis of heart failure. The program is staffed by registered nurses, trained in critical care, and has physician oversight. Nurses work with the patient’s physician, dietitian, physical therapist and other healthcare personnel to develop a plan of care.
Patients are enrolled in the Heart Failure Follow-up program free of charge.
The Program consists of learning modules designed to help patients understand heart failure, teach strategies to monitor and manage symptoms, live a health lifestyle, maintain quality of life and prevent re-admission to the hospital.
A heart failure nurse meets with each heart failure patient before discharge from the hospital to review the Program and discuss a convenient time for Follow-up Program phone calls. Within 72 hours of hospital discharge, patients receive the first Follow-up phone call. After that, an individualized schedule of calls will be determined to discuss each of the learning modules based upon patient need. Once the Heart Failure Follow-Up program is finished, a Certificate of Completion is issued.
To learn more about participating in the Heart Failure Follow-up program, call (920) 568-5469.