Live Well programming helps underserved population know their numbers
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Fort HealthCare recognizes that access to essential primary care services is sometimes unavailable to those who are under-insured. In a continuing effort to increase access to care, the organization is introducing a new program that provides these individuals with baseline lab measurements, biometrics like waist circumference and body mass index, and a general health risk assessment that addresses chronic diseases and lifestyle choices. The program also provides access to tools and information needed to make necessary lifestyle changes. It is specifically targeted to benefit those with little or no insurance, and is funded through Tomorrow’s Hope.
Live Well Community programming is free for eligible participants and includes, on an annual basis: a free fasting lipid panel and glucose screening (lab work), biometrics assessment, one hour, one-on-one coaching session with a Fort HealthCare clinician, general health risk assessment, monthly Health365 e-newsletter, wellness challenges and a Cerner Health account to access personal health-related information.
The goals of the LiveWell-Community program are to allow participants access to basic wellness care, introduce community members to Fort HealthCare and Cerner Health, provide information on: how to best utilize services, like when to use emergency or urgent care and when to make an appointment for primary care, completing a Personal Heath Assessment and having results reviewed and explained by a health care professional, providing wellness coaching to encourage healthier choices and educating individuals about health risks associated with lab, biometric and health assessment results.
To become a member of the LiveWell-Community program, interested persons will receive a brochure and lab slip from a participating organization, such as Fort HealthCare Community Health & Wellness, Rock River Free Clinic, Workforce Development, Health & Human Services or other affiliated organizations. Then participants must complete a fasting lipid panel at the Fort Memorial Hospital Laboratory. Results are sent to James Martin, MD for review and anyone with elevated risks will be contacted. A representative from Fort HealthCare Community Health and Wellness will schedule a one hour, one-on-one coaching session to perform biometrics assessment, receive lab results, sign-up for a Cerner Health account and complete the Health Risk Assessment questionnaire. Lab results will be provided at the one-on-one coaching session.
Anyone who is un- or under-insured, and can show need, will be welcome to participate in the free program. Questions can be directed to the Fort HealthCare Community Health & Wellness team at (920) 568-5403.
Live Well-Community is an effort by Fort HealthCare to “improve the health and well-being of the community” as stated in the organization’s mission statement. To learn more about how the mission is being achieved, visit