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Screening event will tell you your blood type

Health, Wellness & You
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BloodCenter of Wisconsin will be hosting a blood screening event at Fort Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, November 7 from 4 to 6 p.m. At this event, BloodCenter staff and volunteers use a self-test kit to learn more about your blood type.  You will also learn how your blood donation can save lives.  Other health screenings, including blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose and bone density will also take place during this time.

Blood screening is fast, safe and easy and it’s a chance to learn something new about yourself.  The screening test provides 90 – 95 percent accuracy.  You may find that you have a rare blood type, or perhaps you have a blood type that can help many different people. 

Did you know?

  • O+ blood is needed more frequently than any other type?
  • O- red blood cells can be given to any patient in need and is the universal blood type?
  • All A-, B- and AB- types together make up less than 10 percent of the population?
  • Only 5 percent of eligible adults donate blood?

This screening is your chance to learn your type and learn how you can save lives. 

To make an appointment for any of the screenings offered on Wednesday, November 7 from 4 to 6 p.m., please contact the Fort HealthCare Health and Wellness Department at (920) 568-5244.