Support Groups Help the Healing Process
Friday, October 1, 2010
There is something therapeutic that occurs when the ups and downs of one’s medical condition are shared with others. Emotional progress, if not physical progress, is much more likely to occur when patients can share their experiences and support with one another. Whether the healing is physical or emotional, Fort HealthCare understands the importance that human connections have in the healing process.
Both hospital-based and registered community support groups are able to gather for free at Fort Memorial Hospital in Fort Atkinson. The support group leaders and participants attend at no charge, and complimentary refreshments are provided by the hospital.
Additionally, Fort Memorial Hospital’s Health Promotion department prints and mails out monthly member newsletters on behalf of certain support groups that request the service. Fort HealthCare covers the cost of the printing and postage.
Support groups are a valuable addition to professional treatment for a wide variety of conditions. Fort HealthCare serves groups of individuals that are experiencing physical limitations or recovery from major surgeries, individuals and families that have been victims of abuse, educational presentations, and just a gathering place for other community groups inspired to develop caring programs for our friends and neighbors. Support groups using Fort HealthCare services and facilities include Bariatric/LAP-BAND Support Group, Diabetic Support Group, Friends Through Multiple Sclerosis, Ostomy Support Group, Postpartum Depression Support Group and others.
Creating an environment for members of the community to gather together and support one another is one of the ways that Fort HealthCare lives the organization’s Mission on a daily basis, which is to provide excellent, compassionate care for the people of our communities.