The 2014 Slimdown Rockstar!
Friday, June 20, 2014
This year’s Slimdown Rockstar is Nick Hamele, losing the most weight thoroughout the challenge. Nick lost a total of 76.8 pounds over the 12 week challenge. When asked what was the biggest change he made Nick replied, “I really paid close attention to my calorie intake every single day. I used an online calorie tracker program ( Then I weighed myself every day and was able to see how my good and bad choices made a difference.”
Nick also shared that that for him the hardest part of making the changes was just finally getting the drive to start. After that, the first 3 weeks or so were tough, until he got used to the new routine and saw the positive difference it was making in his health and life. The easiest part of making the changes was understanding that he needed to make the changes. Nick says that translating understanding into action-not so easy.
Slimdown is one of the community challenges sponsored by Fort HealthCare. Fit, Healthy, Happy are key goals of all the wellness challenges. Select employers and community agencies teamed up to slim down. They formed teams of 4 to 6 coworkers, friends or family members and compete for prizes and good health in the 2014 Slimdown Challenge.
One of the key differences in this program is that it is a monitored challenge. All participants must complete an official weigh in at the beginning and weigh out at the end of the twelve weeks. Throughout the twelve weeks there are a number of educational and inspirational tools along with weekly incentives for team and individual participation. The individual goal is to work towards dropping 10% of your current weight. Community programs like these will help us all achieve our Vision to be the healthiest community in Wisconsin.
Nick’s advice for someone starting the weight loss journey: Find a reason and find support. Find a reason why YOU want to lose weight, something that really gets at the core of who you are and what you want out of life. Once you have a why then find a who. Who is going to help you on your journey? Who cares enough to pay attention to your successes and can call you on your slips. Whose opinion do you hold in high enough regard that letting them down would be harder than staying on your plan? Once you have your internal reason and an external support person or group, the rest is a piece of cake!
Nick, you are a Slimdown Rockstar and an inspiration!