Wisconsin Blood Center Blood Drive at Fort Memorial Hospital on Oct. 19, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Every three seconds someone in our community needs blood. People of all blood types are encouraged to be a donor for the BloodCenter of Wisconsin at Fort Memorial Hospital on Monday, Oct. 19, 2009 from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm. Appointments can be made by calling the lab at Fort Memorial Hospital at (920) 568- 5261 or register on-line at https://portal.bcw.edu/sites/mobapt/default.aspx?key=232050025118. Please use Drive Number DRV0092797. Walk-ins are always welcome. Donating blood through the BloodCenter of Wisconsin is important as it is the sole supplier of blood products to our local Fort Memorial Hospital. Your donation could help a neighbor undergoing chemotherapy treatments, or a mother experiencing complications during childbirth, or a family member having surgery. You can be sure that your donation has an impact on our local blood supply. It is a fulfilling experience to know that your unit of blood could save the lives of three people. Donating blood is a quick and amazing way to give back to the community.