Women Who CARE Announces September 13 Garden Party
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Women Who CARE is pleased to announce a fall Garden Party at the home of Dr. James and Deborah Wishau. The event will be held on Thursday, September 13 from 5 – 7 p.m. at N6397 Cedar Lane, Lake Mills.
The Garden Party features a tour of the Wishau’s home and seasonal foods catered by Steel Away Café. Dr. and Mrs. Wishau will share the inspiration and design concepts for their home and gardens. There will also be a silent auction and raffle to support Women Who CARE’s sponsorship for the School Behavioral Health Counseling Program.
Community members interested in learning more about Women Who CARE can attend the event for $20. Member attendance is included in the annual membership dues. Attendance is limited to 80 people. RSVP is required by Thursday, September 4.
RSVP can be made to: (920) 568-5404 or Foundation@forthc.com.
Women Who CARE is a membership organization focused on improving the health and well-being of youth in our area. The cost of annual membership is $100 which includes participation in luncheons and networking events throughout the year. The group is a program of Fort Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Women Who CARE’s signature project is a school-based behavioral health pilot program for students. This partnership with Whitewater schools and Fort HealthCare has resulted in expansion of the program to the Jefferson and Fort Atkinson schools. Last year the program served over 75 students.