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Fort HealthCare is proud to provide excellent, compassionate care for the people of our communities.

We understand that concern over a hospital bill should never get in the way of a patient receiving good health care. While we expect patients to contribute to the cost of their care, we do take into account each individual’s ability to pay. Our goal is to work with you to arrange a manageable payment plan.

It is our commitment that no one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay. There is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income.

Fort HealthCare offers two financial aid options to patients who meet our income, asset and need criteria. These are:

The Self-Pay Discount is a discount of up to 66 percent on your health care charges. Community Care is a partial or complete write-off of all outstanding charges.

Self-Pay Discount

Potential Self Pay candidates are defined as:

  1. Patients who have no health insurance.
  2. Patients receiving services that are NOT covered by health insurance, or another state, government, liability or workers compensation program.

The Self-Pay Discount Policy applies to Fort Memorial Hospital’s inpatient and outpatient services, including Fort Medical Group physician clinics.


  1. If the Fort HealthCare Business Services office determines that you meet the above criteria, the Self-Pay Discount will automatically be applied to your bill.
  2. The maximum discount given will be 68 percent.
  3. The Self-Pay Discount does NOT apply to predetermined fee arrangements such as the Cosmetic Surgery Package.

Community Care

Potential Community Care candidates are defined as:

  1. Patients requiring medically necessary treatment with no or limited ability to pay and whose income does not exceed current federal poverty guidelines.
  2. Patients whose income exceeds current federal poverty guidelines, but whose expenses also exceed income.
  3. Patients whose accounts do not indicate any additional third-party reimbursement.
  4.  Patients living in our primary and secondary service areas.


  1. Community Care candidates will be required to complete a financial questionnaire and provide proof of income. Approval may be denied if the questionnaire is not complete.
  2. Upon review and approval of the questionnaire, the patient will receive written notice from Fort HealthCare. If partial approval is granted, the patient will be contacted to establish a payment plan for the remaining balance.

Applicants will be notified of determination within ten to fourteen days upon receipt of a completed application.

Community Care approvals do not automatically apply to future Fort HealthCare services required by the patient.

Most Common Admissions & Conditions

Find information transparency for averaged costs versus charges and reimbursements.

Financial Policy Documents: