January 19, 2018
Are You Keeping To Your New Year’s Resolutions?
Resolutions might seem hard to maintain with January coming to a close. Health resolutions are very common for those looking to lose weight and improve the quality of their health overall. Having a resolution is a great approach to creating a healthier you, but why not try something new? Why not turn your resolution into a lifestyle change! The difference is simple. Resolutions usually fizzle out over the course of the winter months. A lifestyle change is slower in strides, but can provide you with more beneficial and long term results. A lifestyle change also allows for unplanned hiccups along the way. These hiccups give opportunity for growth, plus, who changed the world in a day? From experience, long term changes are time consuming and require patience. One of the largest challenges I believe people face is with themselves. It truly is important to take the time to be patient with yourself, meaning, for the three steps forward, you might take one step back. This process is healthy and will teach you how to get back on track which is part of experiencing a lifestyle change! Another easy trap I see people fall into is focusing too much on the negative… You know the voice in your head that down plays what you have achieved? Knock that voice out! Try focusing on what you’ve learned and how you can stay the path to achieve the results you want.
If this seems like a mindset you’re currently in, I encourage you to stay strong and build resources around you that will support your goals and lifestyle changes. One avenue that can improve your quality of health, both physically and mentally is through Fort HealthCare’s fitness classes. Fitness classes offer well-rounded exercise routines to participates looking to learn best exercise practices, advance their strength, cardiovascular system, and flexibility as well as to boost their confidence and improve their self-esteem. The group exercise setting allows individuals who have similar goals to meet one another, and create a socially accepting environment that encourages growth. Still not sure if group fitness is for you? As an instructor, I’ve seen the changes participants can experience through proper instruction within a group setting. I think this can be a viable resource for those looking for a lifestyle change. Not only can it help, but Fort HealthCare is here as a resource to help you!
Fort HealthCare offers a wide variety of classes that can support your needs. We have classes during multiple times of the day and at various locations to accommodate all walks of life. More importantly, these classes are taught by certified instructors who have been trained extensively in the classes they instruct. The education that is behind the certifications support proper form and encourage goal setting to each participant experiencing a fitness class. Levels and modifications are offered to suit everyone’s needs, from Movin’ and Losin’ to Zumba to Hardcore Boot Camp.
For more information, visit FortHealthCare.com/Classes.
No matter what your health goals are, make your resolution a lifestyle change! Fort HealthCare is here to support you every step of the way.