These classes are intended for new critical care (such as ICU, ED, CCU) nurses or experienced nurses in the community hospital setting. The classes provide an in-depth study of commonly seen critical care issues, arranged by body system. Lecture, simulation, role playing, open discussion, and case studies are used to increase critical thinking when caring for potentially unstable patients.
There are a series of six critical care classes designed to prepare nursing staff to be able to take care of critically ill patients using evidence-based guidelines. These comprehensive, interactive classes cover nursing assessment, interventions, management, and treatment of common disorders of the various body systems. Lecture, simulation, role playing, open discussion, and/or case studies are incorporated to offer active learning activities that enhance critical reasoning/thinking skills to provide safe, quality care that encourages optimal patient outcomes.
Each body system class is offered twice per year. You may begins classes at anytime throughout the year as you do not have to complete them in order. You can enroll by class or you may enroll for all courses at once. To sign up for individual body system critical care , please sign up in that section. If you would like to enroll for all 6 classes at once and receive a 10% discount, please contact Lisa Rudolph RN, MSN, CCRN-K, Fort HealthCare’s Educational Services Coordinator or 920.568.5206 to enroll in the entire course.
Class #1: Cardiovascular System
- Compare and contrast preload and afterload.
- Understand how to manage the patent with a central venous pressure (CVP) line and/or an arterial line.
- Understand how to manage the administration of vasopressors to the critically ill.
- Recognize the oxygen supply and demands for critically ill patients.
- Understand how to manage the patient with atrial fibrillation, heart failure, chest pain, or acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
Class #2: Respiratory System
- Understand the function of the respiratory system in relation to ventilation and perfusion.
- Compare & contrast obstructive and restrictive lung disease.
- Discuss the causes, interventions, and treatment modalities for patient diagnosed with pneumonia and pulmonary emboli.
- Understand how to manage various oxygen delivery methods.
- Understand how to manage the ventilated patient.
- Discuss causes and treatments of Respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, and metabolic alkalosis.
- Identify normal arterial blood gas value and interpret the meaning of abnormal.
Class #3: Renal System & Sepsis
- Compare & contrast SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock.
- Understand how sepsis affects the body.
- Identify the components for early recognition of sepsis.
- Recognize evidence-based interventions included in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines.
- Understand the workflow related to the FHC Sepsis Alert.
- Compare & contrast acute and chronic renal failure.
- Identify the phases and treatment of acute tubular necrosis.
- Understand how to manage the dialysis patient.
Class #4: Neurological System
- Understand the blood flow to the brain.
- Compare and contrast a Transient ischemic Attack (TIA) and a Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA).
- Compare and contrast ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
- Identify common diagnostics and treatment for stroke patients.
- Recognize nursing interventions necessary to provide safe, quality care for a stroke patient.
- Accurately complete a NIH Stroke Scale assessment tool.
- Review symptoms, treatments, nursing interventions, and diagnostics of patients whom have a seizure.
Class #5: Gastrointestinal & Endocrine Systems
- Identify the common diseases within the GI system and understand the risk factors, signs & symptoms, treatments, and diagnostics associated with them.
- Understand what is Clostridium dificile, how it is spread, and common treatments modalities associated.
- Identify common disease associated with the Endocrine system and understand the risk factors, signs & Symptoms, treatments, and diagnostics associated with them.
- Identify the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and the various complications, treatments, and resources available.
Class #6: EKG Recognition & Case Studies
- Identify various EKG waves and their normal values.
- Differentiate between first degree, second degree, and third degree heart block.
- Accurately interpret basic EKG rhythms that include: sinus rhythm, sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, sinus arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, junctional rhythm, accelerated junctional rhythm, idioventricular rhythm, atrial flutter, and asystole on a six second strip.
- Recognize ectopic beats such as premature ventricular contractions, premature atrial contractions, and premature junctional contractions.
- Recognize and measure bundle branch blocks.
- Recognize T wave inversion, ST depression, and ST elevation on a six second EKG strip.
Satisfactory completion of the post-test will award the participant 5 contact hours. Fort HealthCare Learning Center is a continuing education unit (CEU) provider through the Wisconsin Society for HealthCare Education and Training (WISHET). Please note that one hour of instruction = 0.1 CEU (i.e. 1 contact hour = 1 CEU).
**NOTE** Withdrawals or cancellations less than 14 days prior to class will be charged a $25 fee**