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The Fort HealthCare Pharmacy Residency Program highlights the complexities, opportunities, relationships, and unique aspects of rural pharmacy practicing. The program builds on the studies and knowledge attained through the Doctor of Pharmacy graduate program, developing pharmacist residents with mature and highly adaptable clinical skills. Skills that help make them ready for the responsibility and professional satisfaction from integration into a team-based approach in medication-related care of patients in both acute care and ambulatory settings.
Upon completion of this year-long experience, pharmacist residents are prepared to successfully and confidently assume clinical pharmacist roles across all areas of health-systems practice or transition to the advanced pharmacy practice training provided in a PGY-2 residency program and/or fellowship. Residents of the Fort Healthcare Pharmacy Residency Program are also provided with ample teaching opportunities, preparing future leaders and role models to assume teaching and precepting responsibilities as practitioners in the pharmacy profession.
The Fort HealthCare Pharmacy Residency Program stresses core learning experiences in team-based focus areas within Fort HealthCare. Additionally, extensive and focused elective experiences allow the resident an opportunity to tailor each pharmacist resident candidate’s experience to customized and self-reflection based practice goals and interests.
Fort HealthCare’s unique program provides a wide breadth of experience across traditional, new and emerging healthcare environments. Fort HealthCare is a nationally-acclaimed “Most Wired” hospital, also awarded as a Top Workplace by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and is an AHA Fit Friendly Worksite.