What Should I Do If I Have Trouble Enrolling in MyCompass?
Please call toll free 877-621-8014 for customer assistance 24 hours each day.
How to Start Using MyCompass?
Watch our full video tutorial!
What is Cerner Health?
Cerner Health is a Personal Health Record (PHR) that provides you with a secure way to collect, manage, and share your health-related information. Cerner Health allows you to share your health information with family members, doctors, other members of your care team, as well as a growing number of health, wellness, and condition management programs. It’s your information – you control who has access and can modify that access at any time.
Cerner Health provides a collaborative environment to help you manage your health and the health of your family. Go to cernerhealth.com to learn more.
What is a Cerner Health Account?
A Cerner Health account is a secure account on the internet that allows you to access your Cerner Health PHR and a family of solutions that allow you to actively engage in your health. Participation in Cerner Health is currently by invitation only. You must be invited by a health care organization, such as your doctor’s office. The e-mail invitation sent to you has a link to a page where you can create a secure account and get access to your data at your health care organization.
Cerner Health works hand-in-hand with MyCompass to provide a secure login and share your health-related information. In addition to information that you add or upload, you can receive and store electronic visit and care documentation from your doctors and hospitals.
What information is Exchanged Between Cerner Health and MyCompass?
MyCompass understands that your personal health information is sensitive and private. Only you can access your information unless you give access to others. When MyCompass is connected to your Cerner Health account, the only information exchanged about you is name, gender, and date of birth to confirm your identity.
What Information and Features are Available on MyCompass?
You can use MyCompass to send a variety of messages to your provider. Features include:
Inbox – The inbox provides access to messages a provider has sent you in the last seven days.
General Message – Smart-Search capability is used so patients may type in their physician’s name to send them a message.
Refill Request – Patients may request a refill by checking the box beside the medication in their personal medication list. Medications not on the list may be requested as well.
Sent Items – A list of messages that have been sent are stored here.
Can I Schedule an Appointment in MyCompass?
You can:
View Upcoming Appointments – Upcoming appointments may be viewed and added to a personal calendar. Important pre-appointment instructions may also be provided here.
Request, reschedule and cancel appointments. Appointments within the next 24 hours most likely will not be cancelled. Patients should call the appropriate office.
What Results Can I See on MyCompass?
Most clinical results may be viewed from anywhere there is internet access.
Discharge documents and clinical summary – View your medical summary information that is transferred from Fort HealthCare Electronic Medical Records.
How Long is My email MyCompass Invitation Valid?
You will have an opportunity to create personal usernames for each account through the sign-up process. All family members should complete registration within 90 days of receiving the email invitation as the signup link will expire if not activated within that timeframe.