Use Our Price Estimation Tool
We are committed to empowering our patients and their healthcare team to make informed decisions about their care. Fort Healthcare’s price estimator will allow you to determine your expected out-of-pocket expense for our most common procedures performed in the hospital or through a Fort Medical Group practice, including; office visits, labs, endoscopy, surgery, and other diagnostic imaging services.
To obtain the most accurate estimate, you will need information found on your insurance card as well as details from your health plan regarding any unmet deductible, copay, co-insurance, and remaining out-of-pocket expenses. As you proceed with a price estimate, please understand the following:
- The fees and costs provided via this tool are only estimates and your final bill may be higher or lower than the estimate for various reasons including but not limited to differences in your unique medical needs based on your current medical condition and medical history. Actual prices may differ based on medical decisions made by you or your provider during your care.
- This estimate does not constitute a guarantee of benefit plan coverage or promise of payment by your insurance carrier.
- This estimate does not include any services which may be billed by providers involved in your care who operate outside of Fort Healthcare including but not limited to Ambulance Services and Pathology.
- Estimates for uninsured individuals do not include the self-pay discount. Please contact us for more details.
Need An Estimate?
If you need an estimate for a procedure that is not listed or if you are uninsured and would like a more precise estimate including the discount, please call us at (800) 844-5575.
Get A Price Estimate Now
Transparency as a key concept
As required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, we publish our list of hospital and clinic charges. You can download and view our charge master file here. The file contains the schedule of gross billed charges for a given item regardless of payer type. These charges do not reflect the actual payments received by Fort HealthCare, which are often less than the gross charges.
Within the charge master file, there are items that have a zero ($0) charge. The cost of these items are either included (bundled) into the charge of another item, or if the item is a certain type of supply like a hearing aid or an implant, the charge is applied based on the market value at the time of the service.
Here is some additional information about healthcare pricing you can review:
- Wisconsin Hospital Association Chargemaster FAQs
- Avoiding Surprise Bills (PDF)
- Consumer Guide to Healthcare Prices (PDF)
Please take some time to review the information and follow the links provided. They provide valuable insight into our commitment to provide the highest quality care.