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Fort HealthCare’s Athletic Trainers add Portable AEDs to Area Sports Events

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fort HealthCare’s Athletic Trainers are adding portable AEDs to the equipment they have on the sidelines at area sporting events this fall.  The equipment was purchased with a grant from the Fort Memorial Hospital Foundation. Athletic fields located at a distance from school buildings mean AEDs are not always readily accessible should the need arise. The time it would take to retrieve an AED from the school building and return to the athletic field could impact the outcome for someone having a cardiac event. Fort HealthCare’s LATs cover five area school districts including Cambridge, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Lakeside Lutheran, and Palmyra-Eagle. Julia Neppl, MPT, LAT at Fort HealthCare comments “we are thankful to work for an organization with a foundation that continues to support the health and well-being of the community.”