This interactive online class covers essential information on your baby’s development, helpful tips for a healthy pregnancy, and includes partner tips throughout. You’ll see how your baby develops with 3D animation and have access to helpful trackers and checklists that help you stay organized and healthy. You can access the eClass from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. Allow 2-3 hours to complete.
Pregnancy eClass chapters:
- Fetal Development
- Medical Care
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Discomforts
- Hazards
- Emotions
What’s included?
- Videos, animations, and optional read-along audio
- Quizzes, interactive exercises, notes pages, and extended activities
- Essential tools, including a due date calculator, trimester checklist, and appointment tracker
- Audio library with soothing sounds, lullabies, and relaxation exercises
- PDF library, glossary, and web links
- Class completion certificate
How it works:
- Once you purchase your seat to the eClass, we will email you login instructions within a week of registration.
- You’ll have access to the class for 9 months. You will have access to the Parent’s Toolbox for 18 months.
- Check with your insurance company for partial reimbursement of the class cost.
- If you are having your baby at Fort Memorial Hospital, Fort HealthCare Obstetrics (920-568-5300) will be in touch with you to arrange a tour or assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have about your upcoming birth experience.
Upcoming Sessions
Last Day to Register:
December 30