Free Advance Care Planning
Friday, July 25, 2014
As a capable adult, you have many rights when you receive health care. You have the right to be told about your medical choices and their benefits and risks. You also have the right to accept or refuse these choices. Whatever, you decide it is important to talk about your decisions with your physician, other health professionals, and those close to you.
It is also important to put your plans for future medical care in writing. This is called an advance directive. In this plan you may simply provide instructions about the choices you would prefer for future health care, or you may appoint another person or persons to make your health care decisions if you were ever unable to make them yourself.
Fort HealthCare and Rainbow Hospice offers free advance care planning to help you understand possible future health choices and make a plan for future health care situations.
Fort HealthCare and Rainbow Hospice have facilitators available to meet with people on an individual basis or to speak to your organization or group as a whole on the importance of advance care planning.
Start planning now! To set up an individual facilitation or to arrange for a speaker for your organization, please call 920-568-5279. For more information visit