Fort Memorial Hospital
611 Sherman Avenue East, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
(920) 568-5247
If you have diabetes, or have been newly diagnosed with the condition, you may be overwhelmed at times with all the information and steps required to monitor and manage your condition.
As a member of your healthcare team, our Diabetes Care and Education Specialists will help you learn how to take the best care of yourself. They will work with your primary care provider to give you personalized information, support, education, and tools for success.
Our Diabetes Care and Education Specialists
Our Diabetes Care and Education Specialists provide Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) services. This service teaches you how to stay healthy and how to make what you learn a regular part of your life. A referral by a healthcare provider and a diagnosis of diabetes is required.
DSMES services will help you:
- Make better decisions about your diabetes.
- Work with your health care team to get the support you need.
- Understand how to take care of yourself and learn the skills to:
- Eat healthy.
- Be active.
- Check your blood sugar (glucose).
- Take your medicine.
- Solve problems.
- Cope with the emotional side of diabetes.
- Reduce your risk of other health problems.
DSMES services are important because:
- People who have the knowledge and support to manage their diabetes are healthier than those who do not.
- Learning how to control your diabetes will save money and time, and help you have fewer emergency and hospital visits.
- Knowing how and when to take your medication, how to monitor your blood sugar (glucose), and how to take care of yourself, helps you manage your diabetes better.
- Managing your diabetes will help you avoid or delay serious health complications.
- The skills you learn will help you take better care of yourself. Diabetes management starts with you.
Costs and Insurance
Most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, cover up to 10 hours of diabetes education the first year of diagnosis. After the first year, your coverage may be different. Contact your insurance provider for more information.