January 11, 2024

New Year, New Hearing, New You!

Illustration of women with headphones and soundwaves in the background

In 2023, some of the most popular resolutions in America were to “improve my physical health” and “focus on being happy.”1 If these goals resonate with you, there’s an ideal way to accomplish both: Improve your hearing.

Stay Healthy With Optimal Hearing

When it comes to your overall well-being, ensuring you can hear well is just as important as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and eating balanced meals. Studies have shown people with untreated hearing loss are at a greater risk of conditions that can influence their physical, mental and emotional health, including falls,2 cognitive decline3 and depression.4

Having any of these conditions can significantly impact your quality of life. Fortunately, treating hearing loss can make all the difference, helping you stay healthy. Research shows that people who wear hearing devices experience improved balance,5 slow their rate of cognitive decline6 and report improvements in their mental health.7

Find More Happiness by Hearing Your Best

For many people, connections with friends and family bring them joy, but untreated hearing loss can make it harder to participate in conversations and feel close to the important people in your life. Hearing loss treatment can help. According to one large study, patients who wore hearing devices reported significant improvements in their social lives, self-confidence and relationships.8

Start 2024 Off Right

Ready to make this year one of your best ones yet? Get a hearing checkup. Since hearing loss occurs gradually, it can be easy to overlook subtle changes. Finding and treating any loss as soon as possible can help you reach your goal of living a happier, healthier life—and that’s a resolution worth keeping! Call Fort HealthCare Audiology at 920.563.6667 in Fort Atkinson or 262.473.8920 in Whitewater to explore your options and schedule a hearing evaluation or complimentary hearing screening.



1 Sanders, L (2022). What are your Americans’ new year’s resolutions for 2023? YouGov. https://today.yougov.com/topics/society/articles-reports/2022/12/28/americans-new-years-resolutions-2023-poll

2 Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2012). Hearing loss linked to three-fold risk of falling. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/hearing_loss_linked_to_three_fold_risk_of_falling

3 Lin, F.R. et al. (2013). Hearing loss and cognitive decline in older adults. Jama Intern Med. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/1558452

4 Mener, DJ et al. (2014). Hearing loss and depression in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3773611/

5 Strait, J. (2016). Hearing aids may improve balance. The Source. https://source.wustl.edu/2014/12/hearing-aids-may-improve-balance/

6 Maharani, A. et al. (2018). Longitudinal relationship between hearing aid use and cognitive function in older Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29637544/

7, 8 Kochkin, Sergei. (2011). Marketrak VIII patients report improved quality of life with hearing aid usage. The Hearing Journal. 64. 25-26,28,30,32. 10.1097/01.HJ.0000399150.30374.45