The shoulder is one of the most versatile joints in the human body, and provides us with a tremendous amount of flexibility.
It can rotate nearly 360 degrees. This range of motion, however, can lead to pain or discomfort. The shoulder joint is made up of bones held in place by muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Common Shoulder Conditions
The breakdown of soft tissues can cause many common shoulder problems. Shoulder pain is most frequently a result of inflammation, instability, arthritis, or fracturing. Symptoms can include pain and stiffness, limited mobility, difficulty reaching overhead, or a popping or grinding feeling when using the afflicted joint. No matter the issue, Fort HealthCare Orthopaedic Associates provides comprehensive evaluation and management of a wide range of shoulder problems – from soreness to chronic pain.
Our team of providers, physical therapists, and surgeons use a holistic approach in caring for the patient, and treatment options can range from simple exercises to reconstructive surgery. When diagnosing injuries and conditions, our doctors consider all factors and options before offering a care recommendation and are committed to attempting nonsurgical treatment options before recommending surgery.
Shoulder injuries can happen at any age. Common injuries in younger people involve the A/C joint called shoulder separations. These can occur after falls off of bicycles or after sports injuries. These problems usually heal without surgery. Dislocations usually occurs after falls with the arm in a position above the head. Dislocations cause tearing of ligaments that may need to be fixed surgically.
Older folks usually have problems with the rotator cuff muscles. This can be tendonitis or bursitis and usually can be treated with exercises and anti-inflammatory medicines. Rotator cuff muscle tears usually occur in people forty years of age or older. These often need to be fixed as the torn muscle cannot heal itself.
If you’re experiencing issues with your shoulder, request an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist at Fort HealthCare, or see your primary care provider.